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Montessori Unwrapped 2024/25

18th September 2024 @ 4:30 pm - 9th July 2025 @ 6:30 pm

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This autumn, Karen Pearce will continue to offer a professional development
programme for AMI 3-6 diploma holders: Montessori Unwrapped. This online
mentorship study programme will help deepen your understanding of Montessori
pedagogy and practice. The broad study includes:

● The ‘art’ of presenting
● The use of ‘Curves of Work’ in the Children’s House
● Understanding human development through observation
● Classroom management
● Successful collaboration with parents
● Supporting team development

The programme consists of three modules, each of 10 x 2-hour Zoom sessions, held
weekly on Wednesdays from 4.30pm – 6.30pm (U.K. time). The first hour is a study
of Montessori theory and the second hour puts the principles into practice.

Module 1 – 18th September 2024 – 27th November 2024 (no session on 30th
Module 2 – 9th January 2025 – 19th March 2025 (no session on 19th February)
Module 3 – 24th April 2025 – 9th July 2025 (no session on 11th June)

The cost for each module is £550 payable before the start of the module.

To apply for a place on Module 1, please complete the application_form and return it
to info@themontessoriplace.org.uk



Module One – In Depth [click here for Module Two/Three]

1.1. 18th September – What is Developmental Education?
Montessori – What leads our practice? Is it the child, the parents, the government?
Do we as guides truly trust in the power that the child holds within? What makes our
practice developmental?
Unwrapped – The first six weeks, part one. How we start the year can make a
tremendous impact upon the individual and communities development. What
questions do we ask ourselves as a guide and as a team?

1.2. 25th September – What is Normalisation?
Montessori – Normalisation! That word and concept that gets thrown into our work
with the children. The concept that can often put fear into our work as a guide. Have
I failed the children? Why do I not observe this unfold in every child? What does it
really mean?
Unwrapped – The first six weeks – part two. Timetable in Montessori is a word we
do not hear or even consider. However, during the first six weeks it’s vital that we put
some structure and order into the life of the community. The first six weeks
scaffolding promotes the children’s sense of belonging both on an individual basis
and in aiding social cohesion.

1.3. 2nd October – Discussion based on a lecture by Maria Montessori’s On
Montessori – Montessori principles are key to our work and service to the children in
our community. How often do we get or make the time to revisit her words? This is a
moment to stop, to reflect and revisit her advice on the work of the guide as a
scientist observing and working towards understanding the true nature of the child.
Unwrapped – The first six weeks – part three. Groups, groups, and more groups! But
how do we organise these groups so as to call and maintain the children’s attention.
Let’s reflect upon techniques and strategies that will engage and provide the basis of
a constructive and productive group.

1.4. 9th October – Four Stages of Development
Montessori – What is the theory behind the four stages of development? How do we
use this knowledge in our work in the Children’s House? What are the characteristics
of each stage and what impact does this have on both the needs of the child and that
of the community?
Unwrapped – The first six weeks – part four. Walking on the line every day is a key
and significant part of the first six weeks programme. What techniques can the guide
use to ensure that it is progressive and calls the children’s interest?

1.5. 16th October – The Art of Observation
Montessori – The art of observation in a Children’s House is the key to our work.
What is it that enables the working guide to touch the centre of the child?
Observations and practice that is led by work curves enables the guide to respond to
what the child reveals, to follow their interest and their unique rhythm.
Unwrapped – Plotting a work curve; the practicalities, points to consider and
techniques on how we go about producing accurate and non-judgmental data.

1.6. 23rd October – The Guide Part One
Montessori – Let’s take a moment to go back and revisit the role and
development of the adult. What part do we play in preparing a space for the children
to fulfil their potential? What are the key facets that enable us to become part of the
working environment but also empower us to have the trust and faith to ‘disappear’?
Unwrapped – The analysing of a work curve; the practicalities, points to consider
and techniques on how to create a bespoke and individualise programme of
development. The analysis and implementation of work curves is the key to truly
following the child and will shift your thinking and your practice.

1.7. 6th November – The Guide Part Two
Montessori – Let’s continue the study of the role and the adult. Reflect
upon principles and the significance of clear and defined roles that assist the
development of the individual and that of an independently functioning community.
Unwrapped – The analysing of a work curve; the practicalities, points to consider
and techniques on how to create a bespoke and individualised programme of
development. The analysis and implementation of work curves is the key to truly
following the child and will shift your thinking and your practice.

1.8. 13th November – The Nature of a Presentation
Montessori – What makes a presentation different from a lesson. How do we offer
experiences that call and capture the individual&#39;s attention? What is it that shifts the
presentation from one that is correct to one that inspires and calls the child to go
Unwrapped – The art of giving a presentation. Let’s review some early practical life
presentations and questions about techniques and practice.

1.9. 20th November – Attention and Concentration
Montessori – What is it to give one’s attention. How do we assist the children from
giving their attention and moving towards a place of deeper engagement? What is
concentration and how do we support this emergence of this in our day-to-day work.
Unwrapped – The art of giving a presentation. Let’s review some early practical life
presentations and questions about techniques and practice.

1.10. 27th November – The theoretical principle of choice and decision making
Montessori – How does our understanding of the development of choice and
decision-making impact upon our work with the children? What are the types of
choices? How does this knowledge of the types of choice affect the way in which we
offer presentations?
Unwrapped – The analysing of a work curve; the practicalities, points to consider
and techniques on how to create a bespoke and individualised programme of
development. The analysis and implementation of work curves is the key to truly
following the child and will shift your thinking and your practice.


September 18 @ 4:30 pm
9th July 2025 @ 6:30 pm