An 8-month old playing with a wet sponge
We chose this video just to illustrate the amazing learning opportunities available in the world around them. Although a sponge isn’t necessarily a classic Montessori… more
We chose this video just to illustrate the amazing learning opportunities available in the world around them. Although a sponge isn’t necessarily a classic Montessori… more
Another video from the RSA Animate series, showing Dan Pink discussing how the desire to contribute is a powerful motivator, even if unconscious.
We love this little video. It has been shot by a young mum in the US and shows how you can create a Montessori environment… more
This is one of those rare books that transforms lives in a single reading. It is so beautiful that we give you a copy of… more
This is one of the classic Montessori materials for the little ones. They absolutely love it. The thing is, these materials are all so beautiful…. more
Mary Caroline Parker, from the Barbara Gordon Montessori School in Texas (which we visited), post this video of an infant community in Japan. It is… more
Dr. Cheek-sent-me-high-yee (that is how it is pronounced!) is known as the ‘Father of Positive Psychology’. This is a video of him explaining his concept… more
Michel Odent has been delivering babies since the 1950’s. He presents a cogent, powerful argument for creating ‘adrenalin-free’ environments for birth. He talks about the… more
Another fascinating Ken Robinson video.